[414] B BID: 082905ON4HU Path: PE1GCB!PA3AWG!PA0TMA!PI8AYB!PE1ABT!PI8ERG!PI8ZAA!PI8HWB!ON6AR!ON7RC Path: ON4HU Date: 12 Feb 89 01:05:08 L From: ON4HU@ON4HU To: THENET@BLGNET Subject: CHECKING YOUR PATH CHECKING IF YOU HAVE A DECENT PATH ? Notes for NET/ROM users You are uplinkend to your local NET/ROM node,and now you want to connect to a distant node. Before you do, it's a good idea to check whether or not you have a decent path to your intended destination. First, issue a parameterless NODES command to obtain a list of known destination nodes. Check to see wheter the node you want is in this list. If it isn't, you can't get there. If it is, issue another NODES command specifying the callsign or identifier of the node you want. For instance, if you want to get the BRUssels node: NODES BRU ON4HU-7} Routes to BRU:ON7RC-7 126 6 1 ON4HU-2 >108 5 0 ON4HU-7 0 6 0 ON4AWP-2 You will see up to tree routes to the node. if you see the symbol ">",it points to the route you should look at. Otherwise, look at the first route in the list. The route in question will have a sequence of tree numbers- in this czse, "108","5",and"0". The first number ("108") is the quality of the route. The higher it is, the better the route is (theoretically). Routes with qualities less than 100 may not be useable. If the route quality is zero, it's definitely best not to attempt to connect to the node. The second number ("5") is the obsolescence count, and indicates how recent the routring information is. This value is normally set to 6 whenever a routing broadcast is received that indicates the routes is still OK, and decremented each time such a routing broadcast is not received as expected. The count is usually 5 or 6- a lower value often means the route has become marginal or has disappeared entirely. If the count is zero, it indicates that the route has been manally locked for some reason. The third number is always either "0" or "1". If it is "1" it indicates that the route involves a cross-over to another channel of a multi-channel node-often to a "bacbone" channel. Unlike the first two numbers, this one doesn't give you any information about the quality of the path. ON4HU Andre WBPRN Jan.10