NOTE **** All files must be stored in B:\help " DuinoMite Help File Version 1 " This helpfile is a work in progress and in time will be the main help file that users can store on the SD card and have a precise online help file with code examples to ensure a handy reference will always be onhand when needed. A new feature for the Duinomite is the addition of this new help system. One can add the following code to the autorun.bas file "OPTION F1 "help"+chr$(13)" then when F1 is pressed the this help page will come up. Due to the maximum length of a file name being 8 characters commands etc, have abbreviated names to fit this convention. One can bring up any files by simply doing help "whatever and the file will come on the screen and not interrupt the program one is working on. All file names are in lower case. ie: help "pause will clear the screen on the VGA and show the "pause" command then go back to the command prompt. " Commands and Codes " AUTO - CHDIR - CIRCLE - CLEAR - CLOSE- CLOSE_CONSOLE[cls_con] CLS - CONTINUE - COPYRIGHT[cy_right] - DATA - DATE DELETE - DIM - DO - EDIT - ELSE - ELSEIF - ENDIF - END ERASE - ERROR - EXIT - FILES - FONT - FOR - GOSUB - GOTO IF - INPUT - IRETURN - KILL - LET - LINE - LINE_INPUT[line_inp] LIST - LOAD - LOCATE - LOOP - MEMORY - MERGE - MKDIR - NAME NEW - NEXT - ON - OPEN - OPEN comspec$[open_com] - REM OPTION - PAUSE - PIN - PIXEL - POKE - PRINT - RANDOMIZE[random] READ - RENUMBER - RESTORE - RETURN - RUN - SAVE - SAVEBMP SETPIN - SETTICK - SOUND - TIME - TIMER - TROFF - TRON - XMODEM " Functions " ABS - ASC - ATN - CHR$ - CINT - COS - CWD$ - DATE$(dates) - EOF FIX - FORMAT - HEX - INKEY - INPUT(inputs) - INSTR - INT - LEFT LEN - LOC - LOF - LOG - LCASE - MID - OCT - PEEK - PIN(pins) POS - PIXEL(pixelxy) - RIGHT - RND - SGN - SIN - SPACE - SPC SPI - SQR - STR - STRING - TAB - TAN - TIME(times) TIMER(timers) - UCASE - VAL