# This is an example of a file that can be customized for parsing metadata # Use it this like this: # streamripper URL -w parse_rules.txt # Lines that start with '#' are comments, and blank lines are ignored. # Ignore metadata that begins with "A suivre" # The leading "m" says this is a match rule # The trailing "e" means drop the metadata m/^A suivre:/e # Exclude tracks that contain the given expression # The leading "m" says this is a match rule # The trailing "x" means that the track should not be saved (excluded) ## m/advertisement/x # Save tracks that contain the given expression # The leading "m" says this is a match rule # The trailing "s" means that the track should be saved ## m/[Ff]unk/s # The first m//e, m//s or m//x rule that matches determines the # action that is performed. If none match, then by default the file # will be saved. If you prefer having the default being that the # files aren't saved, include the following rule after all your # other m//e, m//s or m//x rules. ## m//x # Strip off anything like "- Mp3Pro" from the end of the string # The leading "s" says this is a substitution rule # The trailing "i" means case insensitive matching s/[[:space:]]*-?[[:space:]]*mp3pro$//i # Strip off something like "- " from the beginning of the string s/^[[:space:]]*-[[:space:]]*// # The strip rules don't have to be after the m//e, m//s and m//x # rules. You can interleave them. Rules are always processed # in order. # This is the normal parsing rule: "Artist - Title" # The trailing "A1" means that the artist (A) matches subpattern 1 # The trailing "T2" means that the title (T) matches subpattern 2 m/^[[:space:]]*([^-]*[^-[:space:]])[[:space:]]*-[[:space:]]*(.*)[[:space:]]*$/A1T2 # This is slightly different parsing rule: "Artist, Title" ## m/^[[:space:]]*([^,]*[^,[:space:]])[[:space:]]*,[[:space:]]*(.*)[[:space:]]*$/A1T2 # After the first match with an m//A or m//T rule, no more rules # will be checked. # If the metadata doesn't match any of the "m" rules, then the remaining # metadata string (with substitutions) is entered into the "Title" field.