**** Before you install ISDN card driver, please read below items first. **** **** This procedure is to make sure your system environment is clear to **** **** install this new ISDN WDM driver. **** **** bk November. 23, 2001 **** 1. Run "sweep.exe"(95/98/ME) or "w2ksweep.exe"(2000/XP in safe mode) to clean ISDN information. 2. Shutdown machine 3. Don't have to remove exist ISDN cards from machine 4. Power on machine 5. Install drivers as usual pnp devices Note. USB device can be plug in before or after step 4. How to install Win2000 CAPI driver over external serial TA 1. Run "w2ksweep.exe" to clean ISDN information. 2. Make sure that the serial TA was installed as a PnP modem. 3. Restart computer 4. Choose ControlPanel/AddNewHardware/AddDevice/SelectFromList/NetworkAdapter/HaveDisk 5. Point to isdnlink.inf 6. Select "ISDN Adapter (UART Active)"