Languard PortScan Readme V1.0


UI functionality :
The UI will have following options.

1. Scan Type:


In the current build, only TCP option is implemented.

2. Scan Options:

o Ping only
o Ping and Scan
o Show Host Responses

User can decide to perform only ‘ping’ or ‘ping and scan’. When user
selects ‘Ping only’. All the given hosts will only be pinged to check
if they are up.

The method used for ping is ICMP echo ping. The hosts will not be scanned
for open ports and hence option of ‘Show Host Responces’ will be disabled.
When user selects ‘Ping and Scan’, the option of ‘Show Host Responces’ is
enabled. In this option, the application will first perform ‘ping’ on the
given host and then scan the given list of ports.

If ‘Show Host Responces’ option is checked, then the host responces ( if
any ) will be displayed to the user for each port being scanned.

3. IP Range:

Here, the user can specify the hosts to be scanned and/or pinged.
The options for specifying hosts are as follows,

a. Define Range:
The user can specify the start and end
IP addresses of the range to be scanned.
e.g. Start = and End =

b. Import Range:
The user can specify a txt file from
which the application will pick up the hosts.

The user will have to click on the ‘->’ button to invoke the dialog box for
selecting hosts from a txt file. In this dialog box, the user can ‘Browse’
for the file, then ‘Exatract’ the host names, select the hosts and ‘Resolve’
the host names and click on ‘Done’ to complete the host selection from file.
Eg: File will have entries as shown below.

www.microsoft.com, www.netscape.com

c. Multiple Range:
User can specify complex ranges using this option. User can make use of the
wild cards like ‘*’ and ‘-‘ to specify ranges. Thus the user can specify
“,” to scan hosts from through and host Eg, 2.1-5.0.1, 1.0.0.*

4. Port Range:
a. Multiple Range:
Using this option, user can specify multiple ports to be scanned. Thus user
can specify “1-150, 443, 500-700” to scan ports from 1 through 150 and port
443 and ports from 500 through 700.
Eg 1-50,78,79,80-120

b. Import Range:
User can select list of ports from a file. The dialog box for port list selection
will pick up ‘.lst’ file from the current directory and list out the valid ‘port-
description’ entries from a file. The user can select different file using ‘Load’.
Different files can be merged and saved using ‘Merge’ and ‘Save’ buttons. User
can select the ports by ‘checking’ the ports from the list.

The File will look some like this

5. Menu Options:

a. ‘Options’ | ‘Advanced’
The user can configure the ‘TCP Connect Timeout’ and ‘Ping Timeout’. The default
values will be 3000 and 2000 milli seconds.

b. ‘Logs’ | ‘Logging’
User can toggle this option to specify if log file is to be generated for the

c. ‘Logs’ | ‘Log Setup’
The user can specify the log file details like, the directory and file name.

Running GFI Port Scanner:

The User should select the required ‘Scan Options’, ‘IP Range’, ‘Port Range’
and click on ‘Scan’ button to start the scannin and/or Pinging process.
The status of the Scan will be displayed in the second and third split panes.
The second pane will display the list of hosts in tree format. It will display
the open ports as children of the host node.
The user can ‘Pause’ or ‘Stop’ the scanning/Ping by pressing the required

Note: Only one instance of Port Scanner is allowed to be executed.